Estar Wells BSc Psych (Hons) GMBPsS Dip.Couns Dip.Couples Couns Reg. MBACP, is a professional, friendly and qualified counsellor and life coach. Working in Chester in Cheshire as well as in Wrexham, Mold and Hawarden in North Wales, Estar offers a wide range of counselling services including relationship counselling, counselling for depression and anxiety, and bereavement counselling.
I am delighted to announce that Counselling Choices will now focus its face to face services in Deeside near to Chester.
Your story…
“Help, I’m stuck and I don’t feel I have any choices”
Everyone is unique and the way people handle things is also unique to them. People have different choices to make and reasons for making those choices. Counselling Choices is about enabling a client to discover what works for them, and to draw on this to deal with the present, and in so doing, becoming more aware and equipped to deal with things themselves in the future.
There are always choices.
“Things don’t seem at all clear and I feel alone and trying to find my way forward.”
Somehow the road of life and love finds its way. Sometimes we don’t know how things are all going to work out, and it can be frightening, especially when all the doors seem closed. But as each day unfolds, we walk into the next part of the journey and things can become clearer. With the person centred approach of Counselling Choices, you won’t be walking alone but you’ll have hope as your personal journey unfolds.
There is the light of hope further down the road…
“How can I dream of something different when all I see is uncertainty around me and inside me?”
Dreams of a different future can seem very distant, misty and unclear. Despite your present uncertainty, your future lies beyond and as you move towards it through counselling, your strengths and complex layers of who you are and how you do things as an individual, are revealed to you through the journey of self discovery.
There is a future beyond…
“Everything is changing around me and I feel stressed and worried.”
Like the sea, circumstances in our lives can change and we can experience internally the storm and unpredictability of what is going on around us. Finding the calm we need through counselling to deal with that storm or changeable circumstances, will bring a feeling of internal peace and strengthen us, bringing self confidence.
You will find calm waters…
“I seem to be feeling so stressed and anxious.”
When we are stressed and anxious, if we just take a moment to just be and to take in small details and the beauty of small changes, we are practising mindfulness. Mindfulness has been practised naturally since man was on the Earth, yet it’s something that we need to be reminded of in today’s more stressful world. Sometimes it’s mindfulness and meditation that can be used in a session with someone who is very anxious. But again… the choice is with themselves.
Give yourself a field of time where you can find beauty through your senses and start to reconnect with yourself and feel calm…
“I don’t feel good about myself at the moment and I struggle with my self-esteem.”
Around us is freely given treasure, as is the beauty we discover already within us, through the counselling journey.
No one of us is perfect! Counselling is not about judging someone or about giving advice but is rather about acceptance and high regard for someone with all their struggles and issues, as well as seeing their strengths and qualities. This is where the client’s own self-acceptance for their own personal difficulties as well as their values leads to a higher sense of self-worth…
Because everyone is important and has something to offer to the world…
“I need some time for me to think and to work things out. I need a sounding board.”
Given the space to calmly contemplate on your life and to process and get things into perspective, can mean you are then able to make a big change in your life, or to accept that certain things can’t change but that you still have choices around that. Sometimes being able to identify what it is you really want and the steps towards achieving it, identifying any blocks that might need to be overcome or adapted to, will require a more gently structured approach. This is provided through my life coaching service, but is also sometimes used in my counselling approach, when someone needs to discover some more solid steps towards their goals, and they want to perhaps make some rapid changes.
Through your therapeutic counselling you can find your benchmark from which you can make your changes or make your peace with accepting things…
“Our relationship is in a difficult place. So where do we go from here?”
Just when you think it’s over sometimes there’s new energy and a new kind of beauty found in other things. A new stage of a relationship can form. It might feel strange and different at first but if two people want to make it work and are prepared to put the energy and commitment into it, I believe it can work.
Maybe it’s time to move on from each other. If this is what you want, then this can also be the beginning of a new kind of friendship with each other, or at least to be able to show respect and kindness for someone you once cared about very deeply. Psychological studies have shown that when children are involved in a breakup, they will benefit so much from this new way of communicating seen between their parents, when divorced or separated parents choose to communicate in this way.
Time to move forward as unique individuals: Rediscovering your relationship, or rediscovering yourselves…